Monday, May 4, 2009

Braggin' Time

This Friday I am helping teach the "Coupon" class at the Stake Enrichment night. So, I spent extra time researching the deals. Here are the results.....

So, OOP(out of pocket) I spent 32.07

I have a $10 Rebate from Rite Aid and $5 from Duncan Hines= $15.
I have $12 off my next order at Safe way
and $6.50 off my next order at Walgreens

Total receiving back 33.50
Profit(kinda) of 1.43

Honestly I think this is my best night. Who gets 12 pounds of chicken plus all that other stuff free... Laura Does:)


Kristen said...

Laura- it's no contest you are the coupon guru!

Dan, Betsy and Joe said...

Holy Heck!! I wish I could do that!!